Annie Dover Bio

Annie Dover Bio

Absorbed in the overwhelming beauty of the planet, Annie Dover draws inspiration from the living canvas of her everyday life.  Walking down the boardwalk, enjoying tea in a nearby cafe, waiting for a flight or train; interaction with the world around her paint imagery even before a single brushstroke has been made.

Both the passionate and mundane aspects of the human being help her create a story that continues to unfold even after a painting is signed and finished.  Back in the studio, Annie creates intriguing elements of mood and mystery using layers of oils and glazes.  Heightened light and color become the backbone of her art for a moment; contrasted by shadows and subtle hues that impact the emotional air of each piece. Step through a looking glass for a moment, and perhaps you will catch a glimpse of the inspiration Annie caught in each moment of time, as shown in her works on display here today.

Annie Dover is a signature member of the Oil Painter of America Society

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